Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Video Assesment Task 3

We finally managed to meet up on the weekend before the assessment was due and film our video, the script and storyboard were both complete so we relied on both of those while filming. We were able to finish recording the whole video so it was good, that way we didn't have to worry about wearing the same clothes, same area to film etc. The videos that we filmed are in different clips and parts, that way the camera won't move too much or we wouldn't have to wait until the next person was ready to talk. First we tried to film it all in one go, but that didn't work so well because either the next person forgot their lines or jumbled up what they were saying and we had to start it all again. After a while we changed to filming it bit-by-bit , this plan worked better than what we were doing previously. During the clips the video camera lost its battery and we had to use the digital camera to film the rest of the video. This meant that we had to use our hands to film instead of keeping it steady on a stand with the video camera. It also meant we had to limit our ability to get good angles of the person talking. Soon we got the filming complete and it meant we were able to relax for the rest of the day. All we have to do for the remainder of this week is edit the clips and put the whole video together complete with other shots of professional games, transitions and some special effects. This would have to be done during out lessons this week or at lunchtimes as there are Windows 7 computers available at the library.

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