Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project ideas

I've been thinking of ideas for my project. At first i thought of making Pong and then i thought of other ideas such as a game where you have to draw lines to make the person run through to the next level, but then i realised that you can't manually draw lines once the game is complete so that idea was crossed off. Another idea is to create a game with levels. It would be some sort of animal trying to cross the road without hitting any cars or trucks and going through the gaps. I also thought of doing some sort of maze game. I don't yet know what kind of game to do yet, but i'm thinking about it.
Now i've decided that i'm going to carry out my plan for building on Pong. I've decided to build 2 extra levels on it that get harder. In the second level i'm making it harder by making to ball go faster. In the third level i will attempt to add in 'powers' such as an extra point or making the paddle get bigger. There will also be bad powers such as a smaller paddle or lose a point. This level will also become harder because the ball will be moving at high speeds and the powers can help you to lose.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I have began to use the program Scratch. We played around with it before but now i'm starting the first tutorial for it. At first i found it difficult to work with and i didn't understand what most of the controls did, but after some of the tutorials, i know how to make the sprite move, talk and make them do this for a certain amount of time or even forever.
The first tutorial I did was Keep Score, this helps you to know how to set the variable to a specified number. In this tutorial you use the Variables block. Without this block the tutorial can not be completed and you can't set the score. I also changed the background of the stage to make the situation fit better.

The second tutorial is Key Moves, this tells you how to make your sprite move in any direction when you press any arrow key. Here the only two blocks you choose are Motion and Control. In this tutorial also i changed the scene of the stage.

The third tutorial I completed is Move to a Beat. The tutorial teaches you how to make sounds in Scratch and how to keep the beat. In the tutorial they use a drum and a hand clap to make a beat with a dancer. In this you use the Control, Motion and Sound blocks. The background is also changed.

Moving Animation is the fourth tutorial which helps the sprite move like an animation. It teaches you how to change your sprites costume and move at the same time. 

The fifth tutorial is Say Something. In this one you learn how to make your sprite talk.

The sixth tutorial that I did was Surprise Button, this one lets you add in a button that chooses the sound randomly from the files chosen making it "surprising". 

The seventh tutorial is Animate It, this tutorial teaches you how to make a simple animation.

The eight tutorial is Change Colour. It tells you how to change the colour of the sprite by pressing any key. 

The ninth tutorial is Dance Twist, it makes you play a sound clip and do a body twist. 

Follow the Mouse is the tenth tutorial that teaches you how to make your sprite follow the your mouse pointer and move in any direction.

The eleventh tutorial, Glide, teaches you how to glide from one place to another. It helps to move smoothly without any disturbances. 

The last tutorial is Interactive Whirl, this teaches you how to twist a picture out of shape by moving your mouse pointer. Now that i've done all the tutorials and added some snapshots i can start on the challenges.